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Robotics in the Service of Advanced Industry and Your Success in the Market

In SF movies, robots are often cast in the role of a workforce gone rogue, but the reality is even more scientific and even more fantastic: robots are already widely recognized as a key advantage when it comes to improving production processes.

Robotics significantly increases production capacities, speed, and precision, or it can simply replace human potentials when unavailable.

Moreover, robots are also used in extremely harsh and life-threatening work environments. In the deepest parts of the sea, in areas involving chemical hazards, in space… Robots have a very broad scope of application and perform even the most complex tasks with high precision and reliability.

On the other hand, however, the knowledge on how to maximize the advantages of production line robotization is still insufficient. Furthermore, every time a production line needs to be reprogrammed, tested, or repurposed, it costs time and money – and the companies fear that, if they embark on the robotization journey, they might not be able to fulfill their contractual obligations on time.

In SF movies, robots are often cast in the role of a workforce gone rogue, but the reality is even more scientific and even more fantastic: robots are already widely recognized as a key advantage when it comes to improving production processes.

Robotics significantly increases production capacities, speed, and precision, or it can simply replace human potentials when unavailable.

Moreover, robots are also used in extremely harsh and life-threatening work environments. In the deepest parts of the sea, in areas involving chemical hazards, in space… Robots have a very broad scope of application and perform even the most complex tasks with high precision and reliability.

On the other hand, however, the knowledge on how to maximize the advantages of production line robotization is still insufficient. Furthermore, every time a production line needs to be reprogrammed, tested, or repurposed, it costs time and money – and the companies fear that, if they embark on the robotization journey, they might not be able to fulfill their contractual obligations on time.

The benefits are numerous:


  • the entire production process transposed into the virtual world
  • virtual robotic arm programming and automatic tool path generation
  • intuitive and customizable virtual interface that simulates actual factory conditions in the real world
  • collision detection and programming parallel operation of multiple robots
  • clear overview of production processes, e.g., welding, pallet transfer, riveting, painting, sealant application
  • correcting errors without stopping the production line (e.g. errors due to collision or inadequate takt times) causing production delays and enormous costs
  • optimization of production and tool paths, accelerating real-time processes and reducing energy consumption

On top of all that, you get a continuously updated library of robots and devices at your disposal, providing flexibility and adaptability in line with your specific production needs. Embarking on robotization is no small feat, and it is both natural and expected that the manufacturers are sometimes hesitant about making such a big investment

Do you want to know more?

DELMIA Robotics on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform provides efficient risk reduction, fast productivity increase, and minimum down-time, with a quick and substantial return on investment.