Want to solve all problems in your company? Measure them! (Bill Gates).
You’ve guessed it, Bill is always right. If we want to control things, we need to be able to quantify them, which means measuring them.
In an industrial environment, a company is as competitive as its operations are faultless: the goal is to achieve a rhythm of production where all machines, production departments and logistics are optimally utilized.
To achieve this, critical points in the production process need to be measured. As a rule, critical points are:
- key machines
- raw material inventory levels
- quantities of semi-finished products for further processing
- status of machines and quality of processes (temperature, physical properties of parts, and similar) that can be controlled using various sensors
- final data on the quantities produced, their location in the warehouse, etc.
The companies do just that, they collect data at their critical points – but it is not enough. Why?
Well, the data collected in a database cannot optimize your process by itself.
Production is a “living thing”, it requires a production plan which is detailed, “alive” and dynamic. Comparing data with planned performance creates room for improvement. On this basis, ERP determines the quantities and schedules delivery dates.
Top production planners choose Delmia Ortems – an application for detailed and realistic production planning on the level of individual machines and departments.
The industrial IoT system transfers the information on the implementation of the plan over to ERP – this is the only way in which you can make full use of all the advantages of the Industrial Internet of Things.
Wondering where to begin?
The leading companies in the region use Automatic Scheduling System (DELMIA Ortems), which bypasses the limitations of most ERPs and facilitates the creation of realistic and dynamic production plans.
After implementing the plan, the next logical step is to monitor its execution using the IoT system.
Measuring usually starts from simple things that ensure a quick return on investment: monitoring energy consumption, key machine performance, and so on. Sizing the central Data Hub which will forward all information collected in the company to ERP, MES (Manufacturing Execution System) and other applications right from the start is crucial for IoT.
CADCAM offers solutions that support all required industrial protocols and provide easy access to all data without a jumble of wires – via wireless sensors running on LORA, NB-IoT or 5G networks.
IoT brings the most valuable input into the digital world – information about reality. Be it information on production status, failure of a machine, or consumption of materials, such information is crucial for process efficiency.